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Brightlings BookCamp - Winter 2021
Everything You Need to Know about BookCamp!
Meet Brightlings
Meet Your Instructors (1:02)
Welcome Survey - Please Fill Out!
BookCamp Instructions
Activity Booklet - Download Here!
Small Group Times & Link
Week One: The Beginning
Setting & Characters (2:05)
Tips with Tara: Developing Your Protagonist (2:24)
Week One Recap
Week Two: The Wider World
New Environment, New Friends, New Problem (2:34)
Tips with Tara: Developing Your Antagonist (2:01)
Week Two Recap
Week Three: Magic
Your Villain's true colors show and Your hero discovers her magic (2:30)
Creating with Crystal: What is magic? (2:40)
Week 3 Recap
Week Four: Storm Brewing
Your hero refines her new powers and the villains plan is revealed (1:06)
Creating with Crystal: Your Hero's Motivation (2:08)
Week Four Recap
Week Five: Showdown
The Hero and The Villain Collide (2:06)
Creating With Crystal: Writing the Dialogue (2:18)
Week Five Recap
Week Six: Resolution
The Hero Returns Home and All is Made Right (1:59)
Creating with Crystal: Something has changed (1:33)
Week Six Recap
Editing Your Book
3 Steps to Editing Your Own Book (4:45)
Fill these out when you're done writing!
Book Detail Form - Design your book cover and provide address to send books
For Authors- Feedback Form! Share about your BookCamp Experience!
For Parents or Guardians- Feedback Form! Share about your BookCamp Experience!
The Hero and The Villain Collide
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